It is great to see the talented designer Douglas Bowman having an impact over at Twitter, after leaving Google to join the social messaging service a year ago this month.
Bowman’s latest creation is a new home age for Twitter that signals the company’s growing awareness that it is in the content business. According to Twitter, the redesign “bubbles up” more of its real-time information, “revealing a sample of who's here, what folks are tweeting about, and the big topics that they're discussing.”
That means an algorithmic selection of top tweets that refreshes every few seconds. There is also a section of “suggested sources,” and the company notes you can “hover over any of them to see a profile summary and their latest tweet.”
There is also new visibility for trending topics, which scroll across the page, a feature that emphasizes the “live” nature of Twitter almost like it is a news ticker at Times Square.
Come to think of it, someone will probably want to grab that scroll and turn it into a real-time, albeit non-vetted, news ticker. If I can imagine it, it has to be only a matter of time…
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